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7. Command line options reference

7.1. Repository index creation


Create package index (under SOURCE-PATH by default)


Set created index type (use --stl to list available values)


Don't put package user-level information (like Summary or Description) into created index.


Don't create index delta files


Create uncompressed index

7.2. Repository selection

-s, --source=PATH

Get packages info from repository under PATH

-n, --sn=SOURCE-NAME

Get packages info from repository named SOURCE-NAME


Install to source SOURCE-NAME instead to the system


Set the source type (use --stl to list available values)

-P, --prefix=PREFIX

Get packages from PREFIX instead of SOURCE

7.3. Repository related actions


List available source types

-l, --sl

List configured sources


Update the source and verify it


Update whole index of source


Remove source index files from cache directory


Remove cached packages of the source


Remove all files belongs to source from cache directory

7.4. Package related options


Take package set definition from FILE


Look into package capabilities and files to resolve packages

7.5. Package installation

-i, --install

Install given packages


Reinstall given packages



-u, --upgrade

Upgrade given packages

7.6. Distribution installation/upgrade


Install package set under DIR as root directory


Upgrade all packages needs upgrade


Reinstall all packages under DIR as root directory

7.7. Installation switches


Prevent packages listed from being upgraded if they are already installed. If option is not set then packages to hold are taken from hold configuration option. Held package won't be upgraded with exception if it will be pointed directly by the user.


   $ poldek --hold=kernel\*,dev ...

Configuration option: hold = PACKAGE[,PACKAGE]...


Do not hold any packages. Disables --hold settings.


Make packages listed invisible to the program. If option is not set then packages to ignore are taken from ignore configuration option.


  $  poldek --ignore=kernel\*-smp\*,foo

Configuration option: ignore = PACKAGE[,PACKAGE]...


Make invisibled packages visible. Disables --ignore settings.

-Q, --uniq

Remove package duplicates from available package list


Print installation summary in parseable form


Install packages ignoring broken dependencies, conflicts, etc

-t, --test

Do not install packages, but tell if it would work or not. Given once causes poldek's checks only, to perform full tests using rpm;, option must be given twice.

-F, --fresh

Upgrade packages, but only if an earlier version currently exists

-N, --nofollow

Don't install packages required by selected ones


Install packages required by selected ones


Automatically upgrade packages which dependencies are broken by uninstalled ones, for example if package foo is upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.2 and package foo-devel is already installed with requirement "foo = 1.0" then foo-devel will be upgraded to version 1.2 too.

Configuration option: greedy = [yes|no]


Download packages to DIR (poldek's cache directory by default)instead of install them

-r, --root=DIR

Set top directory to DIR


Install packages with broken dependencies

-m, --mercy

Be tolerant for unmatched versioned dependencies which rpm; tolerates, e.g. package A requires capability foo >= 1.0 while package B provides "foo" without any version. Use with care.

Configuration option: mercy = [yes|no]


Promote non-existent requirement's epoch to package's one (rpm; < 4.2.1 behaviour).

Configuration option: promoteepoch = [yes|no]


Print packages file names to FILE (stdout by default) instead of install them


Print packages names to FILE (stdout by default) instead of install them


Modify only the database


Same as --nodeps but applied to PM (rpm) only


Same as --force but applied to PM (rpm) only)


Pass option to package manager (rpm) binary. Example:

    $ poldek --pmopt=ignoreos

7.8. Package deinstallation

-e, --erase

Uninstall given packages

-t, --test

Do not remove, but tell if it would work or not

-N, --nofollow

Remove only selected packages


Ignore broken dependencies


Remove packages required by selected ones if possible

7.9. Verification options/switches

-V, --verify[=REPORT-TYPE...]

Verify package set, available reports are: 'deps', 'conflicts', 'file-conflicts', 'file-orphans' and 'file-missing-deps'. Default is 'deps'.

7.10. Splitting options


Split packages to SIZE MB size chunks, the first chunk will be FIRST_FREE_SPACE MB smaller


Take package priorities from FILE


Write chunks to PREFIX.XX, default PREFIX is 'packages.chunk'

7.11. Miscellaneous options


Use FILE as PM(rpm) binary


Use FILE as sudo binary


DIR points to directory where all downloaded files will be stored. If not set then $TMPDIR is used. If $TMPDIR is not set then $HOME/.poldek-cache is created and used as cache directory


Run in command mode (like ipoldek does by default)


Confirm packages installation and let user choose among equivalent packages


Don't ask about anything


Run in interactive mode (default)


Don't load installed packages at startup


Read configuration from FILE


Do not read configuration


Update remote configuration files (if any)


Display program version information and exit


Log program messages to FILE


Run program as user USER


Can be used to give options in the format used in the configuration file. This is useful for specifying options for which there is no separate command-line flag. Whitespaces in option names may be replaced with underscore '_' or dash '-' there, for example:

$ poldek -O keep-downloads=yes


Be verbose.


Do not produce any output.