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8. Configuration

8.1. File format

The file consists of directives, sections and parameters. A section begins with thename of the section in square brackets and continues until the next section begins ('ini'-like format). Sections contain parameters of the form:

name = value

The file is line-based - that is, each newline-terminated line represents either a comment, a section name or a parameter. Any line beginning with a hash (``#'') character is ignored, as are lines containing only whitespace.

In most string paramameters values environment variables are expanded:

path = $HOME/foo

8.2. Special directives and macros

File can be combined from multiple configuration files with %include directive. This directive can include either local and remote HTTP/FTP files, examples:

%include /etc/foo.conf            # simply include /etc/foo.conf
%include foo.conf                 # include foo.conf from directory of includer
%include http://bar.org/foo.conf  # include foo.conf from remote location

Any "[global]" sections from included files are simply ignored. Files taken from remote locations can be updated using --upconf switch.

Simple macros are supported. Macros are declared as paramameter with underscore ('_') at beginning:

_foo = /bar 

and can be expanded in any following value in %{NAME} form:

path = %{_foo}/dir    # path will be '/bar/dir'

Macros are local to file beeing declared, they are not visible in included files as are not visible to includer.

8.3. Section descriptions

There are three section types: [global], [source] and [fetcher].


Section contains global paramameters. May be declared multiple times, in this case content of all global sections are concatenated.


This section contains poldek's repository configuration. Each section describes one repository.


Configuration of external file getters. Each section declares one external downloader.

To make things simpler default configuration consists of several files. Repositories are declared in separate source.conf and *-source.conf, file getters are declared in fetch.conf. All of them are included by poldek.conf.

8.4. Parameters of [global] section

default index type

This parameter allows to configure the default repository index type.

Default: default index type = pndir


Cache directory for downloaded files. NOTE: that parent directory of cachedir must exists.

Default: cachedir = $HOME/.poldek-cache


Switch to ordinary user at startup when executed by root

Default: runas =

use sudo

Permits using root privileges for installation only. Automatically turned on when poldek executed as ordinary user.

Default: use sudo = no

load apt sources list

Load /etc/apt/sources.list.

Default: load apt sources list = no

vfile external compress

Handle gzipped indexes externally (needed on RedHat 9 and Fedora Core 1 and 2). This option is a workaround for broken zlib linked into librpm; with enabled 'auto zlib in rpm' poldek tries to detect such case and then enables external *.gz handling automatically.

Default: vfile external compress = no

auto zlib in rpm

Auto detection of zlib linked into librpm. See 'vfile external compress' description.

Default: auto zlib in rpm = yes


Automatically download whole index if incremental update fails.

Default: autoupa = yes

exclude path

Do not save given paths into created indexes. This option may significantly reduce index size. Example (notice missing starting '/'):

 exclude path = usr/share/doc:usr/share/man:usr/src

Default: exclude path =

pm command

Full path name to a PM (rpm for now) binary.

Default: pm command = /bin/rpm

sudo command

Full path name to sudo binary.

Default: sudo command = /usr/bin/sudo

File downloaders configuration

vfile ftp sysuser as anon passwd

Send ${USER}@${HOSTNAME} as anonymous FTP password (by default 'poldek@znienacka.net' is sent)

Default: vfile ftp sysuser as anon passwd = no

default fetcher

File getters configuration parameter. By this option URL handlers may be configured. To get file from HTTP and FTP servers poldek uses its internal client (what is recommended), although it can be changedby this option. Others protocols handled by external utilities can be configured also. The syntax is:

 default fetcher = PROTOCOL[,PROTOCOL...]:FETCHER_NAME

where FETCHER_NAME is a name of one of the fetcher preconfigured in [fetch] sections (placed in fetch.conf in default configuration). Examples:

 default fetcher = ftp,http:internal
 default fetcher = https:wget
 default fetcher = cdrom:vfjuggle

vfjuggle is a cdrom getter supplied with poldek.

Default: default fetcher = http,ftp: internal


Proxies for internal FTP and HTTP client may be configured in usual way, by environment variables ftp_proxy and http_proxy, or by this option. Its syntax is similar to "default fetcher" one:



 proxy = http: http://w3cache.foo.org:8080

Default: proxy =


Comma separated list of hosts or domains which will not be accessed via proxy. Option overrides no_proxy environment variable. Example:

 noproxy = localhost, .pl, ftp.foo.bar.org

Default: noproxy =

vfile retries

Internal HTTP and FTP client is stubborn, it retries to retrive file if connection breaks. This option tells it how many times it should try.

Default: vfile retries = 128

Installation options

particle install

Install packages in small groups instead of doing all-or-nothing installations.

Default: particle install = yes

keep downloads

Do not remove downloaded packages after its successful installation.

Default: keep downloads = no

unique package names

Controls visibility of multiple package instances with different EVR. If on, only one, highest version will be visible.

Default: unique package names = no


Epoch autopromotion during dependency comparision. RPM specific. Set it up if you are using system with rpm prior to 4.2.1 version.

Default: promoteepoch = no

confirm installation

Confirm packages installation.

Default: confirm installation = no

confirm removal

Confirm packages removal.

Default: confirm removal = yes

choose equivalents manually

Let the user select package among equivalents.

Default: choose equivalents manually = no


Prevent package listed from being upgraded if they are already installed.

 hold = kernel* dev

Default: hold =


Ignore package list - packages fits given mask will be invisible.

 ignore   = *-smp-* foo*

Default: ignore =

allow duplicates

Conflicts with already installed packages are treated as resolved if at least one of multiple-installed package satisfies conflict. rpm doesn't support such cases, so --pm-nodeps is needed (use with care).

Default: allow duplicates = yes

RPM specific options


rpm macros can be set by this option. Examples:

 rpmdef   = _install_langs pl:pl_PL:lt:lt_LT

Do not install any documentation:

 rpmdef  = _netsharedpath /usr/share/info:/usr/share/man
 rpmdef  = _excludedocs 1

Default: rpmdef =

Dependency processing settings

Subtle dependency processing options, they should not be changed unless you know what you are doing


Automatically install packages required by installed ones.

Default: follow = yes


Greedy upgrades, i.e. upgrade packages which dependencies are broken by being uninstalled ones.

Default: greedy = yes

aggressive greedy

Be yet more greedy; if successor of orphaned package found, and this successor drags no packages then upgrade the package instead of process its dependencies. Option value is implied by 'greedy' one by defalut.

Default: aggressive greedy = yes


Be tolerant for unmatched versioned dependencies which rpm tolerates, e.g. package A requires capability foo >= 1.0 while package B provides "foo" without any version. Use with care, it may cause weird dependency errors.

Default: mercy = no


Taking into account package Obsoletes.

Default: obsoletes = yes


Taking into account package Conflicts.

Default: conflicts = yes

8.5. Parameters of [source] section

This section contains poldek's repository configuration. Every repository is configured in its own [source] section.


Unique name of the repository.


Type of repository index. Permitted values are 'pndir', 'pdir', 'apt', 'yum' and 'dir' as listed by --stl switch.

original type

This parameter sets index original type i.e type of repository from what this repository is created. Default is 'dir' - means that directory of packages is scanned.

Default: original type = dir


Unique name of the repository. May be either path or URL.


If package index and packages are stored in different locations then prefix stands for packages path.


Controls visibility of multiple package instances with different EVR. If on, only one, highest version will be visible.

Default: douniq = no


Repository priority. If the same packages (equal names and EVR) are available in more than one source then package from highest prioritized source are taken. Priority is numeric value. Lower number means higher priority, and negative priorities are allowed. Priority is numeric value.

Default: pri = 0


Controling if repository index will be implicit loaded. Set it off if the index should be loaded on demand only, i.e. if specified directly by --sn option.

Default: auto = yes


Controls if repository index will be implicit updated. Set it off if the index should be updated on demand only, i.e. if specified directly by --sn option.

Default: autoup = yes


Packages PGP/GPG signatures (if any) will be verified before their installation.

Default: signed = no


Have the same meaning as [global] parameter. Example:

 hold = kernel* dev

Default: hold =


Have the same meaning as [global] parameter. Example:

 ignore = kernel*smp* dev

Default: ignore =

exclude path

Parameter have the same meaning as [global] parameter.

 exclude path = usr/share/doc:usr/share/man:usr/src

Default: exclude path =


Preferred language of package descriptions. If not set, taken from locale settings. Example:

 lang = pl_PL:lt_LT

8.6. Parameters of [fetcher] section

This section contains external downloaders configuration. Each section describes one fetcher.


Unique name of the fetcher. This is an optional parameter, if not set then name is taken from the "cmd" parameter value as "$(basename $cmd)".


Protocol or protocols supported by fetcher. Name of the protocol can be completely arbitrary, i.e. if you can handle protocol "foo" by writing a script which takes URLs in form 'foo://'.


Parameter specifies an external command and its invoking syntax. The syntax of "cmd" is:

 cmd = COMMAND [ OPTION... ] {%d,%D}  {%p,%P}[n]

Where COMMAND is the name or full path of command, OPTION is command specific options. Macro '%d' is replaced with cache directory, '%D' is replaced with 'cache directory/file basename', and '%p' with file basename, %P with file full path (URL). Optional suffix 'n' with %p and %P means that command can be invoked with multiple files at once.