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9. Cookbook

9.1. Repository index creation

Create an index of ~/rpm/RPMS, its type is taken from default index type configuration option:

$ poldek -s ~/rpm/RPMS --makeidx 

Create an index of configured repository home, its type is defined in configuration:

$ poldek -n home --makeidx

Indexes may be created for multiple repositories at once:

$ poldek -n fedora-c2 -n fedora-c2-up --makeidx

Multiple indexes of different types may be created at once using --mt switch:

$ poldek -n home --makeidx --mt=pndir,pdir

9.2. Installation system from a scratch

Install from fedora-c3 repository apache and all its dependencies under /mnt/chroot as root directory:

$ poldek -n fedora-c3 --install-dist=/mnt/dest -v apache 

As above but packages listed in minicd.txt is installed:

$ poldek -n fedora-c3 --install-dist=/mnt/dest -v --pset=minicd.txt 

Do not install, only download packages to /tmp directory:

$ poldek -n fedora-c3 --install-dist=/mnt/dest -v --pset=minicd.txt --fetch=/tmp 

9.3. Managing packages

Download all packages needs upgrade to /var/tmp directory:

$ poldek -n pld-updates --upgrade-dist -v --fetch=/var/tmp

Dump filenames of packages needs upgrade to /tmp/uplist.txt file:

$ poldek -n pld-updates --upgrade-dist -v --dump=/tmp/uplist.txt

Upgrade all packages needs upgrade with logging details to /tmp/poldek.log file:

$ poldek -n pld-updates --upgrade-dist -v --log=/tmp/uplist.txt

9.4. Miscellaneous

Divide repository packages into 650 MB chunks, first chunk will be 100 MB smaller. Files with lists of packages placed in chunks will be named cd.XX:

$ poldek -n pld --split=650:100 --split-out=/tmp/cd
Loading [pdir]pld...
11600 packages read
Writing /tmp/cd.00 ( 876 packages, 547.93M, pri min, max = 0, 0)
Writing /tmp/cd.01 (1084 packages, 647.46M, pri min, max = 0, 0)
Writing /tmp/cd.02 ( 979 packages, 649.92M, pri min, max = 0, 0)
Writing /tmp/cd.03 (1454 packages, 648.44M, pri min, max = 0, 0)

Above with assigned package priorities taken from poldek-pri-sample.conf.

$ poldek -n pld --split=650:100 --split-out=/tmp/cd --priconf=poldek-pri-sample.conf
Loading [pdir]pld...
11600 packages read
Writing /tmp/cd.00 ( 928 packages, 549.12M, pri min, max = -100, 0)
Writing /tmp/cd.01 (1012 packages, 649.36M, pri min, max = 0, 0)
Writing /tmp/cd.02 (1283 packages, 646.22M, pri min, max = 0, 0)
Writing /tmp/cd.03 ( 650 packages, 563.60M, pri min, max = 0, 0)