This project has been alive for several years. Many people have provided feedback that have improved poldek, especially PLD Linux Team people. Thanks!
Here follows a list of people that have contributed (in alphabetical order). Please let me know if somebody is missing.
- Jakub Bogusz <qboosh att pld-linux org>
- Przemyslaw Frasunek <venglin att>
- Artur Frysiak <wiget att pld-linux org>
- Rafal Kleger-Rudomin <klakier att pld-linux org>
- Karol Krenski <mimooh att sgsp edu pl>
- Mariusz Krynski <mrk att sed pl>
- Lukasz Masko <lukasz.masko att ipipan waw pl>
- Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <arekm att pld-linux org>
- Michal Moskal <malekith att pld-linux org>
- Tomasz Pala <gotar att pld-linux org>
- Arkadiusz Patyk <areq att pld-linux org>
- Andreas Piesk <a.piesk att gmx net>
- Jan Rekorajski <baggins att sith mimuw edu pl>
- Olivier Thauvin <olivier.thauvin att aerov jussieu fr>
- Tomasz Wittner <twittner att o2 pl>
- Patryk Zawadzki <patrys att pld-dc org>